I'm not talking about base camp, though, I'm talking about the summit. You're proposing to build a toilet in a highly prominent spot and hire outside contractors who would be forced to hike 20 miles round trip at high altitude to service the toilet several times a year. (That, or we should pay for helicopter rides for them, and I'm not sure which option is better.)

You are trying to conflate two different issues. One, Inyo NF did not dot their i's and cross their t's when they made a decision to go with wag bags. All they need to do is hire some lawyers, spend a couple million dollars to do a proper EIS that quantifies damage done to environment by irresponsible hikers who choose to poop behind some rock or forget their used wag bags on the trail, and there is absolutely nothing in this process that would force them (nay, let them) to go with solar toilets instead.

Two, you are asking them to actually go back and restart the whole process by including Long Peak style solar toilets, which would cost even more because then they'd have to do a new EA.

The whole thing looks like a non-issue to me. I've accumulated a good cache of unopened wag bags by now, I think I have four or five. What's the big problem with just holding it in for 12 to 36 hours?

Last edited by Eugene K; 10/18/11 05:16 PM.