Here's a link to the Environmental Assessment Report described above in the opening post of this thread. This excellent 50-page report is a great read on the history of the waste management issue back in 2004 when they intended to replace the toilets. This report was on the Inyo website, but it's no longer available anywhere else on the internet that I can find. It's a public document that should be publicly available since this issue is technically still open because they haven't completed the NEPA process yet with a Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) coupled with a NEPA Decision Document. Or they could finish it with an Environmental Impact Statement (a very expensive and time consuming option).

Environmental Assessment - Mt Whitney Waste Management

Here's a link to the memo that implemented the wag bag policy, which is basically Alternative 5 in the EA Report above.

Memo Implementing Wag Bags

The 2006 memo has some of the elements of a decision document, but it falls short of the legal requirements, described nicely in

Citizen's Guide to NEPA

Most notably, there is no reference to a FONSI, and there is no explanation of how public comments were considered. The memo mentions a 2005 survey taken by a Michigan college student when the wag bags were tried on a volunteer basis. Anyone seen that student study? Perhaps that's their attempt at public input?