WAG vs solar -
WAG - PITA and kinda gross if not handled correctly. Always there when you need it.
Solar - No handling problems, yet still as gross as any public toilet. Not your problem when you're done with your business though.
My point is - I don't recall ever using the solar toilets when they were there (except for some funny photo ops at the summit) since I did not have to go when they were close by. I can only recall four times I've ever had to "go" in the Whitney Zone in my 20+ trips there.
Once was at LPL on a quick after lunch hike with my wife. (Yeah, we've actually driven 4 hours to have lunch at the Portal) Another time was at Trail Crest (on the way to the summit - gotta lighten the load). I had to use all three of my teams bags above Mirror Lake on a failed summit bid (I had turned around at Trail Camp due to stomach pain). The last time was a few hundred feet below the final 400 on the MR. That was a toughie because I could hear RichardP and my son talking above me and see others coming up towards me. Richard and my son had jokes, but a short while later after snacking prior to climbing the final 400 they both had to go fill their WAG bags. They had more privacy though.
I hate the bags because they are a PITA all around. I've seen over 20 "stashed" in my WZ travels since their use became mandatory. It kills the wilderness moment every time.
The Grand Canyon has enough solar toilets that most folks should be able to make the next one if needed.
Then again, I would hate to see a toilet or two on the 99 switchers.
I guess I'll leave this one up to whoever has the best set of credentials and I'll keep packing the WAG.
Now everyone knows how many times I've *$&% in the Whitney Zone.
As far as my credentials go - I am a mid western (mid 80s) HS grad, recently retired from 26 short years in the Navy, a "highly trained" (as per the US Navy - not me - says so on my annual evals) Support Equipment Mech, and I have chit in the woods. Unlike the bears, I have carried said chit back out more often than not.
Wake me up when this topic gets back to solar vs WAG and not a credentials check.
