SierraNevada, the one without the guts to post under their name, although claiming expertise as a "professional" engineer, I'm calling you out.

I'm going to rise above this name calling and assume you are bigger than that. If we separate fact from opinion, I think we can continue a vigorous discussion and keep it civil. I hope so because I value your experience and your concern for all things Whitney.

You repeatedly claim that the USFS failed to follow the process of environmental impact assessment, but do not provide ANY substantiation of your position, just repeated blather.

Simple question, where are the documents completing the Environmental Assessment (EA) per NEPA? The EA is not complete and it vanished from the internet. If you have a link to it, let us know. There are 2 ways the EA could have been completed. Has either of these paths been completed?

1)A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) together with an official decision document meeting NEPA protocol.
2)A full blown EIS

I highlighted where the process stalled out (as far as I can tell) in this flow chart:

Citizens Guide to NEPA