I think it's a noble cause to look out for the best interest(s) of the environment and hikers in the Whitney area. That said, I think by now you should have realized this is not the correct venue to cause change. This forum has many passionate Whitney enthusiasts and hikers, but clearly no one with administrative power is here to listen to your complaints. I would suggest pursuing the proper channels to try and effect change.
While this is a most valid topic of discussion (I was shocked at my trip in mid-July to see so many WAG bags along the trail), posting opinion on a message board will not bring about change.
If you harbor concerns regarding the Federal process, I would highly suggest taking those to the appropriate officials, not a message board.
Additionally, if you truly stand behind every word you've stated, you would give much more credibility to your cause and voice by being honest with your identity, not hiding behind a screen name.
Though I post infrequently, I have been an avid lurker on these boards for some time, and your appearance and discussion of WAG bags has become more bothersome than informative or thought-provoking.