Has anyone refused a WAG Bag? If so, what has been the reaction of the staff at the ESIVC.

Admin note: This topic has re-opened in April, 2013, from the thread, "Grow Up or Go Home". Talk and debate about solar toilets has been appended here, while discussion of hikers leaving their mess behind remains in the other.

On 04/11/13 08:58 AM wbtravis wrote:
This is a part of the problem that plagues this mountain. People wanting all but are not willing to pay the price. We see this all quota season long with the questions they ask here. Where to I rent crampons, what's the best motel in town, do I really need to acclimatize, etc.

This will continue until the Forest Service tags on an environmental fee onto the permit and builds a modern toilet system on the sites where they once were. This is a problem created by the forest service in the personage of Garry Oye, not a hiker problem...neophyte hikers and once-and-doners are only going to do what they always do. They knew the volume of people who went up this trail and the type of hiker who went up this trail. They made the problem let them deal with it. It is not our job to cover up for their mistakes.

Mr. Oye in a letter to me said his people were not paid to handle hazardous waste. The end result is his people are handling hazardous waste daily during the quota season rather than one to two times when waste helicoptered out.