Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
The Solar Toilet thread on the Whitney Portal Store Forum seems to have vanished today. This happened a few year again just when the discussion focused on how Inyo pursued environmental compliance for their decision to go with Alternative 5 - Wag Bags.

I do not believe that there was anything focused about that (original) thread, rather, it had turned into a 6 page rant about....toilets. I do believe that if one truly wants to get something done, then addressing the issue in the proper venue is the way to go. Pages upon pages of "opinion" on a message board was not the route to take, as the WPSMB was probably meant as a forum for friendly exchange of beta, ideas, photos, etc., and more specifically, to promote the facilities that the board is named for. It is/was not exactly the most "refreshing" topic to lead off with when one is trying to run a business, so for that, I do not blame Doug, Sr., a bit for removing the well trodden, bordering on overtrodden rant about toilets -- no conspiracy in that.

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.