I am very interested to hear your start...summit...and end times on July 14 on the Vivian Creek trail to San Gorgonio peak. I will be anxiouusly looking for your trip report on that hike....that trail is a great training hike for Mt. Whitney....the last time I summited San G was 2011 via the Vivian Creek Trail....I was 10 years older than you so I am sure you will make the trek in better time than me. You have a vigorous training schedule... wow what fun you will have...I look forward to your Mt. WHITNEY trip report too. The last time I summited Mt. Whitney I was 56 so with your young years and all the training you are doing you will summit easily if the altitude does not bother you. Best of luck to you.

Last edited by lynn-a-roo; 06/21/12 09:25 PM.
