Everyone has opinions and here's where I differ...
I carry 3 L without of Platypus' and a 1 L Nalgene for use with a Steripen and eletrolytes.
I have gone up to the Switchbacks and down the Switchbacks. I have taken 2 L where it was not enough and 4 L where it has not been enough, the former on my first trip the later on a freezing day in May. I will normally take 4 and most times I'm into the forth on the way down.
I don't like stopping at every podunk creek to get water. Therefore, I will carry 2 L with will get me to Trail Camp.
Clear and Copious for urination...if it ain't both you are not drinking enough, which will put you at risk of AMS, even if you are taking Diamox. Oh, Diamox is a diuretic.
Eat at 3 AM, your system needs fuel. I get up at 1 AM at Guitar Lake to be on the summit at dawn and would not think of not eating.
I keep a Clif bar and hard candies in my while hiking.
I will stop and eat at Trailside Meadow on the way up because I have tendency to lose my appetite above 12,000'
Pack and Clothing...
Weather determines everything...I've been on this summit twice when the temperature was in the single digits and when the wind was at 40 MPH...during the summer. I like convertible pants for this trip. It always good to extra clothing. Shorts don't work all that swell the it is 9* F and the wind is at a howl.
I've hiked extensively at night and have never used a flashlight to go along with my very good headlight, a Black Diamond Spot. I do carry an emergency headlight, too.
Nothing wrong with tramping around Horseshoe Meadow the day before but that seems to work me and my friends. We really take it easy, no big climbs.
I would suggest a night hike prior to going to Mt. Whitney. It's a great way to get use to hiking in the dark and to see if your headlight is good enough. I've had people out with really crappy lights who spent the night kicking rocks. I would suggest a trail you are familiar. You see some very interesting things at night.
Everyone is different but this is a spot on recommendation.
I break my trail up this way...
the log at the top of the first climbout.
there to Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake to Trailside Meadow
TM to TC
TC to Trail Crest
TC to summit.
Remember the hardest part of the way back is that stinking quarter mile climb from Lower Trail Crest to Trail Crest when you are tired and the adrenaline is gonzo.
You need a permit from Horseshow Meadow to the summit but it is not a part the lottery. You always need a Whitney Zone Permit to enter the zone. I've gone that way 3 times.
I've always liked A16 over REI for their seminars.
Last edited by wbtravis; 06/07/12 09:48 PM.