Gelsomina, I couldn't agree more with Bulldog's post. I was up there last week and got a bad case of altitude sickness. My first time at Whitney was the worst and I promised never to let it happen again. Unfortunately, what I promised and want, and reality don't exactly go hand-in-hand. His description is perfect. All you want to do is lay down and go to sleep. It's like having the worst hangover while you're still drunk.

The last time two time I went up there, it was PERFECT. I felt like a million bucks. Went last week, acclimated well for two full days and night. I felt fine going up the chute until around 13k ft, and then bam, it hit me like a brick wall. I was debating risking going up the final 400 or not. It took me longer walking down the main trail than going up the MR.

Good luck.

Last edited by 2600fromatari; 06/05/12 09:21 PM.