..... Humbly asking you guys for suggestions on one more topic: nutrition.

REI Whitney Guy suggested I use Hammer Perpetuem for on-trail nutrion. I have used Hammer products before for trail running, I like them, they're better quality. What do you think of that? I prefer whole unprocessed foods, but I want to keep the nutrition simple. What do you all use for nutrition?

simply rule about food at altitude. Make sure that it is something that you like. Don't get adventurous and try funky new protein bars or goo or whatever unless you absolutely know that you like them. I found that food that is ok and tolerable at sea level is absolutely unpalatable above 12000'. I recommend moist foods.

Also, for gatorade or other sports drinks, I found that the regular concentration gets my mouth and throat too mucus-y. I generally go with half concentration and even then I will wash it down with clean water.