Based on all your advice, I think my plan is to carry my regular camelbak which I know and love, put some water in the bladder, and carry a nalgene bottle for collecting spring water. Both my old and new partners bought Steri-Pens, so we'll have that (but I'd love to at least try drinking it straight from the spring like at home in the U.P.)
I will base the volume of water I actually
carry that day on the weather factors and how much I personally drink on training hikes. I don't like the idea of having to stop to collect water at every single source either, but definitely want to be oriented to where every source is located much like orienting to the trail, and segmenting it as suggested.
An interesting note on one training hike... I requested and received a day-hike Wilderness Permit for a Idyllwild Humber Park (Devil's Trail) to San Jacinto Peak for July 7. Found out that there is some misleading info out there about the day-hike permits. The info I found said I needed BOTH a National Forest Permit (San Bernadino NF) and San Jacinto State Park Permit. I confirmed with both the NF and SP Rangers via telephone that I do NOT need both wilderness permits for a day-hike, one will suffice! This info was not readily apparent on any website I surfed. (Of course, I do need and have an Adventure Pass for my vehicle.) And now we dont' have to stand in line hoping to get a permit for this very popular hike early in the morning.
So... I kicked the butts of two of my original Whitney hiking partners to commit to the hike

, and my New Partner already committed

So my permit is for 4 of us. The last orginal hiking partner doesn't feel he needs to train for Whitney. I'm all good with the FOCUS on that. Eat my trail dust, superman :whistle:
I think I might have inadvertently reverse-psychologied the originals when I told them I applied for a popular permit for Vivian Creek to San Gorgonio Peak for July 14 for 2 people only (my New partner and myself) because nobody else rogered up to commit and I only wanted to submit permits for those willing to commit so as to increase likelihood of obtaining popular permits. I hope they do apply for their own Gorgonio permits and join us, but I'm not doing it for them unless they buy me beer. FOCUS.