As far as needing a hiking partner to be safe, ask yourself, when you twisted your ankle, would a hiking partner made a big difference in the outcome? You didn't panic and you got yourself down the hill. A partner may have given you a little more comfort knowing you were not alone, but that depends on the hiking partner. If you were with someone that was going to be angry and make all kinds of snarky remarks due to an injury, how would that help the situation? And what would a partner been able to do for you that you didn't do yourself?
I think part of it is that if I had hurt myself any worse that day, there would have been a chance I couldn't have crawled out of there one my own before nightfall. I cut my hand on the fall, and the blood had me worried because both rangers had warned of recent lion spottings. I did my best to control my fear, but it was an issue, and I know that sometimes when I get afraid my judgment goes to he77. While I was limping out, I was unreasonably afraid of the blood attracting the lion who was probably 50 miles away. :P
So, even if they were ticked at me for getting injured, they could calm me down/comforted, physically help me out, or have gone for help.
I would have still been lion bait though, ha ha. A partner wouldn't have to outrun a mountain lion, just outrun me.