
After reading all this I'm sure you are confused. What you are getting is everyone's experience with higher elevation. Everyone's experience with this is different; therefore, it is difficult to recommend a course of action to you.

In SoCal, if you day hike to San Gorgonio via Vivan Creek or South Fork you are over 10,000' a short period of time. The elevation sensitive will be dying. However, many who will have problems in the Sierra will not have problems here. Time wise Vivian Creek is similar to White Mtn...and White Mtn. killed me even after two days at elevation.

Just like there are no two cases of AMS alike, there are many ways to dose Diamox. It took me 3 or 4 years to get it right for me. The current standard dosing procedure did not work at all. Then, there are the side effects.

If you have problems with sulfa drug, you most likely will have problems with Diamox. If you dose level is too high you will have a lot of tingling in the extremites. Forget about any carbonate beverage...they will taste horrible for about 24 hours after your last dose...I've had issues out to 72 hours.

Last edited by wbtravis; 06/06/12 09:47 AM.