My background is what works for the military, works for me (they are the original "hikers")

Cashew nuts instead of -- gasp -- Cheetos if you want an instant boost of DIGESTIBLE fats energy. The Navy Seals practically live on them!

Dried fruit (if not sulfur processed) is excellent for longs slogs like the switchbacks, because it takes a long time to chew up AND it stimulates the saliva glands.

Salami or -- gag -- SPAM instead of Jerky for the reason of digestibility. Jerky is very hard to digest.

Peanut M&M's for emergency energy boost, as the sugar is quick for pick-me-up & the fat/protein of the peanuts acts as a backdrop.

Carbs+protein for breakfast/fats+carb for lunch/protein for Dinner.

I do not partake much in Gatorade et al, because I find that if I regularly hydrate and eat food every hour (nuts/fruit/salami/pumpkin bread) I have no need to artificially bost body chemicals. Everyone is different, and I am a lazy hiker, so perhaps I am not working hard enough to be losing salts (I am a desert person so I sweat very very light)

It does not surprise me that many folk crave protein on the summit, as protein is the best thing for muscle rejuvenation (if you can drink dairy, there is nothing more satisfying after a workout than Chocolate milk....unfortunately, I cannot take in ANY dairy frown

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.