I am SO GLAD I asked you guys!

It's funny you mention that link for first timers, because that is exactly why I started thinking about these particular issues in the first place! I had forwarded that link to my hiking partner last week, said I was frightened and that I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't separate from me on the trail. He came back and said "oh, there's always horror stories" and he was too busy to read the link's stories.

I admit I have concerns about my hiking partner. Thanks for addressing my concerns, it really helps put me at ease mentally, and makes me think maybe I could start looking at this MENTALLY as a solo hike.

With my hiking partner, it's probably a combination of trust and expectations. Based on our differing expectations (not agreeing on "have your back no matter what" philosophy), I asked him yesterday if we could add another person to our hiking party. He agreed, said the permit had info about possibly adding another person to our party.

This other person I trust in terms of judgement/experience (he's done Whitney, Kili, much more hiking, done over a hundred ultras and marathons), temperment (very very mellow, always nice to me, more helpful personality), and is the one who first verbalized he would "never leave you on the trail". So, I need to call the permit info # to find out how/when and if we can add another person.

And thanks for explaining more about White Mountain! I think I would be comfortable doing that alone because it's like a jeep trail, little chance of hurting my ankle. I could do that substitute that for the 6/16 or 7/14 training, both are 3-day weekends for me so I can drive, camp, and hike.