Damn Bulldog, your big time AMS episode was worst than mine. I guess the only advantage you had was you descent was all downhill. Mine on the other hand, started at the top of White Mountain. Needless to say, those to climbs on the way back about killed me.
I've had AMS three times over 14,000'. First time at Mt. Whitney was just the alien trying to crawl out of the right eye coupled with a subpar fitness level. I know the headache went away somewhere during the descent. The second time was Mt. Whitney two years later. It could feel it coming on at the summit but it was gonzo at Trail Crest. My one big time AMS was on White in 2000, headache, nausea, lack of appetite and malaise. This did not go away until I was back in Big Pine (4,000') for a few hours...and this after two days of acclimatization.
After that, I figured it was give up the Sierra or get Diamox, which works most of the time. My biggest problems these day are lack of appetite over 12,000', if I push too hard...it's not unusual for me to go nitey-nite without dinner, and sleep deprivation, usually over about 11,500'.