All the points above are very good. Jack and Betsy really do cover the hike well. (and you take good notes.

Here are several things I might add:
Switchback 24 water can be frozen when it's cold, dried in the fall, but it runs all summer. Trail Camp water at the inlet to the pond is good, but it's a minute off the trail.
The Steri-pen is optional. Many of us do not treat or filter the water, just dip and drink. Check the water discussions in the "
Links to important Whitney information"
You missed... Sunscreen!!! Do not hike without it.
Cottonwood pass: That trail starts at Horseshoe Meadows, circles around Mt Whitney so you then climb from the west side. It is too far to make it to the Whitney summit and back in a day, but technically, no permit is required for a DAY hike. It DOES require a backpacking (overnight) permits, though, and would take several days. The CP permits are outside the lottery, and are not hard to get. However, if you want to start on that trail, summit Whitney, and then exit on the MMWT (Main Mt Whitney Trail), then you need a Trail Crest exit permit, and those are on a quota, and should be reserved. Some available
right now, but booked solid from two weeks on; but walk-ins are available.