TPH posted some pictures on Facebook from a hike up to Lone Pine Lake.

Also wrote this:
This is when we hiked a bit of the trail yesterday. Heard from hikers who went up to the top of Whitney said there wasn't any snow at the top, and you don't need a permit other then to sign a free wilderness permit so they know you're up there. So, locals, if you want to hike Whitney, now is the time to do it! It was beautiful up there yesterday, although unfortunately not a whole lot of snow. frown The trail is hard packed, and on the sides and at Lone Pine Lake, it was about calf level frown there there isn't a lot of snow, but we're considering going back up in a couple weeks, weather permitting, and summiting.

We didn't have micro-spikes for our shoes, and we did fine. If planning to summit, micro spikes are highly recommended!!

The Whitney Portal road is open - there is one of those temp signs off to the side of the road, but it's not being enforced. We drove up to hike yesterday and today, and encountered a ranger coming down, who didn't stop/cite us. Lots of cars up there, FYI. ...The snow is almost all gone on Portal Road - patches until you get about a 1/2 mile to Lone Pine Lake

Last but not least: The pond and Whitney Portal Store! (Note that the road is dry there.)