On Memorial Day my group of 4 made it to the summit of Mt. Whitney. I think we were 4 of 10 to make it. It was a very long day, we started at 4am, summitted at 2pm, and made it out at 8pm. Luckily the conditions were mostly sunny with a few clouds, but no visibility issues. We were moving slowly partially due to the snow, and partially due to some members getting altitude sickness. A decent number of people made it to trail crest before us so there were tracks in the snow that were easy to follow making the "trail" up the 97 switch backs very steep but passable. Since a few people had summited before us there was a somewhat packed down trail to follow after trail crest. There were a few parts that were sketchy, and most of the trail has a steep drop off to one side. We took it very slow, and never felt too endangered. However, there were others who did turn around because they felt uncomfortable, which is a perfectly good choice. Don't do anything that makes a member of your group feel unsafe, you can always summit another day.

Basically weather conditions have gotten better and it is possible to summit. However, you should plan for it to be a long day. We learned our lesson about the importance of acclimation. Good luck on all your trips! No matter how far you get, the views are beautiful. Mt. Whitney was an amazing experience. Thanks to all the posts before this, it was very helpful to read before the trip and know what to expect.