We completed a successful summit on 5/30 with a day-hike permit. The mountain and scenery were absolutely amazing.
One call out - If you don't have experience of snow / glacier travel over steep terrain, you shouldn't go up to Trail Crest. I wouldn't advise going up the chute or the backside to the summit without an ice axe and crampons. We witnessed several people that made it to the crest that were frightened to come down the chute. Know your limits. This isn't the place to have your first experience of crampons. That said, if you are comfortable walking over snow and know how to use an ice axe and crampons, you'll be fine. It is steep, and there is some minor post-holing (we didn't reach the chute until 10am), but just make sure someone kicks good steps in front of you. The backside is tracked out but I still would advise crampons. The ridge isn't very wide and I saw people sliding down the windows.
I want to thank everyone who wrote previous reports. These were critical in our decision not to cancel our trip. I can't believe I might have missed the opportunity to hike this incredible mountain.