Whitney trail conditions 4/27/15

Trail became mostly snow covered at 11,500ft.

The switchbacks above trail camp appeared much more exposed and dangerous than the chute to the right/north. Chute was managable with micro spikes and trekking poles. No serious exposure although you could blast into some rocks/boulders if your glissade became out of control.

Overall i would think conditions would be pretty intimidating for the average hiker after trail camp up to the trail crest, but for most people with previous crampon/micro spike experience on moderately steep terrain you'd probably feel pretty comfortable. That being said, if snow conditions get much firmer/icey, the snow chute would be an absolute no fall zone and could be intimidating for anyone, no matter your experience. Unless you're a badass, then your good... But if your a bad ass you probably wouldnt be reading this.... Or hiking the whitney trail for that matter.. Haha.

I love you all. Enjoy the journey.

Last edited by Ewg; 04/28/15 07:16 PM.