I summitted yesterday (6/25). Started at 3:45 and made the summit at 10:30. As has been mentioned previously leave your microspikes, crampons, yaktraks, or any other additional traction at home. You won't need them and they will just weigh you down. Also water is very prevalent at many places along the trail. Save the weight and don't carry too much. I started with 2L and if I was to do it over again (and I might in a week or so) I would only carry a liter. The last place to top off is from a decent snow run off stream about a third of the way up the switchbacks at around 12,400 feet. If you drink a TON of water then maybe top off to 2L at this point.
I originally planned on a 4:45 wake up for around a 5:30ish start time. My climbing partners convinced me to do an earlier start and I was glad I did. Not because of time constraint issues, but because it was so freakin hot at the bottom and beating the heat and being up higher before it got too hot was much nicer. Feel free to ask me any other questions about conditions.