I am also planning to start hiking this friday 10/15/15. Based off of the pictures other people have posted, YakTraks might be good up to Trail Camp but I would be very skeptical of their performance at any incline. I have used YakTraks on San Gorgonio (SoCal, 11,500ft) in the snow this January and regretted it. I was slipping on any ice that was not level. I highly suggest you pick up at least a pair of microspikes. I will be trying the Kahtoola MicroSpikes from REI the first time on this trip, but they look like they'll do the job and had great reviews.
I was able to make it from the portal to the cables wearing only my trail runners (NB leadville 1210) last Sat 10/10. You should be able to make it the same or throw on your spikes somewhere up the switchbacks. However, once things started to get soft, slushy, and sloppy the spikes get a little bit slippery and I did slip a few times coming down. I used the Kahtoola and they fit either the NB or my boots great. In the areas that they were able to dig into firm snow or ice they gripped very solid. Plan on getting to trail camp as early as you can and head up from there before things get slushy.