Doug at the Whitney Portal Store posted an update on his message board:
First day we are getting reports that people are making the summit and not having much trouble on the backside. A track is in now which should make the next few weeks somewhat normal for this time of year, so expect the the 500' snow line a week , meaning that from say 12,500' up the snow level will clear 500' a week and say 2-3 weeks the switchback should be somewhat clear if not before.
This depends on cloud cover during the day and if people start forcing a trail up the switchbacks may lay in a track sooner. Cable area will be like a month ago. The end section of cables will force you up onto a blind corner and you will need to move up and join switchbacks above , this is always a problem area.
BRING SUN SCREEN AND SUNGLASSES we are seeing many with burns and snow blindness . Try long sleeve and long pants, also hats that will cover the top of your ears.
Biggest takeaway: the importance of sun protection. Sunglasses are mandatory when hiking over snow!!! Sunburned eyes hurt for days, and feel like you have a load of sand in the eye.