As a first time soloist, non-car camping adventure, and Whitney visitor I found this forum to be invaluable in preparing me for my attempt. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful and fell prey to poor choice in assault timing. Rather than start up the chute early in the morning I opted to witness the sunrise over trail camp not thinking that the hard packed snow would start to melt making progress increasingly more difficult (rookie mistake.) I made it fairly far up the chute, but was post holing up to my waist and at times chest. Conditions continued to deteriorate and although not tired my concern was getting down safely and as such opted to turn back.

So for those beginners, first timers, or the otherwise unaware hit the slope early if the switchbacks are unpassable, your pack weight should be mostly water, and as earlier discussed sunscreen, lip balm, and glasses are a must!

As for the reason I missed my early start - can't say i'm too disappointed with the view cool

Last edited by Frankie Bones; 05/31/15 10:20 AM.