Lynn-a-roo, you've reminded me of another joke, similar to yours.

The Banker and the Witch:

There was this hot shot banker that was taking wall street by storm. Very successful, and doing very well financially. However, as often occurs, financial success can breed higher demands for even more money. As a result, this banker turned to embezzlement to further line his pockets.

Then, there was a "surprise" audit one week-end, that discovered the bankers embezzelment. Because the banker had been so successful, and had also made a great deal of money for the bank, the bank offered him a deal: Pay back 100% of the embezzled funds, and the bank would only fire him, but not press criminal charges.

After a bit of reflection the banker thought this might be possible. He could sell his country estate, sell his girl friends jewelry, sell his cars, and with a bit of creative financing (additional loans) he could pay back the money, and avoid jail.

So, off to his girl friends house to retrieve the jewlery. Upon arrival at his girl friends house he was surprised to find not only his girl friend, but his wife as well. Some how they had discovered one another, and were extremely incensed over his infidelity. Neither felt the least bit sympathetic to his plight, and were completely unwilling to help.

The bank had frozen his bank accounts and impounded his cars, his wife would not agree to sell the country estate, and his girl friend had hidden the jewlery. His situation was indeed dire.

With only the cash in his pocket he headed for the first bar he could find. As the evening progressed he migrated to seedier and seedier bars in order to preserve what little cash he had left. Finally, at 2:00 AM he found himself seated next to a truly repugnant creature. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. (sound familiar?). Nonetheless he poured out his tale of woe to the old hag. After hearing all of this she looked him in the eye and said "you may not believe this, but I am a witch, and I can move back time such that you will be able to fix the books so that the audit will not discover your embezzelment. Things will go back just as they were before the audit. Your wife and girl friend will no longer know one another, and you can return to your good life." Needless to say, the banker was dumbfounded, and wanted to know what he could do to influence the witch to work her magic. The witch considered this, and said "there is only one thing you must do. You must spend the night with me, and pleasure me as you have never pleasured another woman."

With no other alternatives available, the banker agreed, and did exactly as instructed by the witch. The next morning, upon awakening, the banker was amazed to find he had no hangover. The air was cool, the sun was bright, it was truly a glorious day. His suit had hung out well, and looked as though it had been freshly pressed. After a shave and shower, he felt GREAT, and was looking forward to returning to his former life. As he was leaving the room he turned to look at the witch. Her eyes were open and she quietly asked the banker "how old are you sonny?" The banker replied "why I am 36, why do you ask?" To which the witch replied "and you still believe in witches?"