It was a dark and stormy afternoon.

Patricia Whack, the loan officer at a small bank was sitting at her desk when there was sudden Plop! Plop!.

A big green frog had jumped up to the guest chair, then onto her desk!.

She observed that the frog was wearing a tiny Murse (Man Purse), and glistened with shiny raindrops.
"And who might you be?", she asked, startled.

"I'm Kermit Jagger", he replied, "and I'm here to get a loan".

Recovering gracefully, she asked "What kind of loan, Kermit?"

And the frog, said "A solar system for the pad, to save the environment".

Patricia then said "We have a very good loan program at 5.75% with only 20% down, if you live on the pad".

And Kermit flatly stated, "I want a nothing down loan!"

"Well, Kermit", Patricia said, "In that case, itsallgood, provided you have some collateral".

So Kermit dug into his Murse, and presented Patricia with a tiny, shiny object wrapped in tinfoil.

She unwrapped it, only to find a tiny ceramic elephant.

"Well", she said, "I need to talk to the Vice President. I'll be back real soon!"

So Patricia stepped down the hallway to the Vice Presidents office, filled him in on the story, and gave him the shiny object.

He opened it, and said "It's a knicknack Patty Whack, give the frog a loan, his old man's a Rolling Stone".

Verum audaces non gerunt indusia alba. - Ipsi dixit MCMLXXII