Originally Posted By: Steve C
It is pretty difficult to agree with that when the President was elected by a majority of voters in this country. There are extremists on the right and on the left. There is no way I'd label any President that way, no matter how much I disliked him.

Just as not all Repub voters are teabaggers, not all Dem voters are extremists like their president. If anyone does not agree that our president is an extremist, then the Emperor has no clothes.

I had hoped that enough "Blue Dog" Democrat voters (like my cousin) would have jumped ship because of the fiscal irresponsibility (the original topic here). I had hoped that enough traditional but unhappy Democrat voters (like one of my employees) had changed sides. She did. Apparently there were still plenty that just robotically voting for their party no matter what ("Yellow Dog Democrats"). Yes, I have voted on both sides, so I can say that I have put my money where my mouth is.

On that note, I think it is time to sign off.