The NPS is part of the Department of the Interior. The budge for the Department of the Interior barely registers on the budget. The whole Department of the Interior has a budget of about $12B. The total amount of the budget cuts is a minuscule $85B. You could cut the entire Department of the Interior budge and still have to find another $73B in cuts.

So why is our government targeting the NPS for cuts? The answer is simple, it is visible.

You can check my numbers. It's all out there on the internet. You don't even need to go to conservative media sources. Go the the government websites.

Health and Human Services has a massive budget. Minor cuts in that department would cover the whole $85B. Hell, split the cuts between the DoD and HHS and we barely have a ripple effect on government jobs. Throw in some cuts from the Department of Education and Department of Labor, where the federal government shouldn't even be playing and we can double the cuts and nobody would know the difference.

But instead, we are going to go for the TSA and NPS...seriously, it's important to know when you are being manipulated. And this is one of those times.

BTW: there are more than two sides to this. Especially if both sides agree that cutting spending is a bad idea.