George and Bee have got me to thinking. A few years ago when Inyo NF asked me to be a volunteer ranger for the Forest, my first question was why. They said "Well, you are in these mountains a lot, know the territory, talk to people, answer questions, give advice, help them out of immediate or potential trouble--all the things we do. If you wore a uniform and a badge, they'd pay more attention to what you say and it would augment what we do." It would involve me logging in and out with the dispatcher, and they would appreciate it if I would carry a radio--something I resisted at first, but eventually succumbed to.

They said I would continue to climb where and when I wanted, never to be on patrol or an assignment...just be a presence in areas of my own choosing. When asked about any benefit to me, they said only that I wouldn't have to get a permit for my climbs. I replied "Well, I guess so."

So I do nothing different from what I have done for over 60 years, except now I sometimes wear a uniform with a badge (supplied by INF) and carry a radio (not supplied by INF). I'm still just some guy out in the mountains for a few days, still enjoying the Sierra as I have always done. But the current financial situation, infused with Bee's and George's inputs, has got me to thinking. Maybe I should do a little more than what I have done in the past. Venture more often over the crest, go on extended trips in the back country that I wouldn't otherwise have done, be more on the alert for people who seem out of their element instead of looking for good climbs so much.

I guess it's payback time.

Last edited by Bob R; 02/26/13 06:43 PM.