Whether state or federal, there is a reason that the jobs that are put on the chopping blocks are the popular services. You'll always see teachers, police, fire and yes, NFS/NPS on the chopping block. But you never see the bureaucratic institutions on the chopping block. The reason is obvious. Nobody could give a crap about some mindless drone in Washington D.C. whose job was created as a form of welfare. Nobody will fight to keep a guy employed who doesn't really provide a meaningful service. But for big government advocates, those jobs are key. Those jobs are votes in favor of big government.

But if you target the jobs where an actual meaningful service is provided, then everybody gets their hackles raised and fights to avoid any cuts in spending.

I want George to keep his job, but I don't want the guy who is in charge of setting up trade missions with Botswana and Zambia to keep his job. (I use that example because I am actually having to deal with that right now).

We are all being manipulated with the headlines of longer lines at the airport (HA!!! there's no way they can be longer. The TSA is already a bloated agency that keeps lanes closed even when with agents standing around doing nothing). Teachers losing jobs, Yosemite being closed.

The simple fact is, our government, regardless of whichever party is in power, is out of control with spending. It is time that we required our government to follow the same economic policies that are expected of us as individuals.