Originally Posted By: Harvey Lankford
To say that the government and the larger economy cannot live on a 2% cut is laughable.

That may be why nobody is saying it.

Sorry, Harvey, but that's a false argument. Sure the government or the larger economy can survive a cut. I don't see anyone here arguing otherwise, But that's not the issue. The government and the larger economy are not monoliths, all parts of which stand or fall together. They have component parts, some with plenty of fat and some with barely enough muscle and bone now to survive. And we're talking about a couple of those already starving components, not the whole. Some agencies' budgets would hardly feel a 10 percent cut, some would bleed to death from a 1 percent nick.

So what is easier for us mountain lovers to give up: a Ranger's annual salary or one hour's flight time for an F-22? The dollar price is the same.

Wherever you go, there you are.