It's somewhat asinine to me to say if the military has to tighten it's belt then why should the National Parks be exempt. They should be exempt because I see on the NPS website their budget is listed as about 3.2 billion. When the Department of Defense is approaching 1000 Billion. 1 trillion dollars is an unimaginable amount of money when put into all sorts of perspectives. If the NPS can operative as it does now on a crappy little 3.2 billion then wouldn't you love to sap 3.2 billion away from the defense budget which is a tiny amount compared to it all and double the NPS budge to 6.4 billion a year and see what can get done?

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the Government still claiming that 1 trillion dollars a year just goes missing and that the reason for this is because their computers do not talk to each other? How about some efforts be focused on making a computer talk to another computer instead of cutting every other little service for the people that hardly has any effect on the budget at all. :cry:

I swore I would stay away from poltical threads but here I am. :confused: