Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
Salty, I can't tell where you're coming from, but I was just following up on your post that says the last two pages have nothing to do with sequester. Maybe that quote was referring to previous pages in this thread. I think the history of debt accumulation has a lot to do with sequester, budget negotiations, and raising the debt ceiling.

Oh, that was my qoute...Dog was just agreeing.

Anyhow, I think that your last post is a nice general summary of From There to Here and Back, Again.

Hopefully, we don't end up at the same table as Spain, Italy, Greece et al.(especially the part were taxes go up to about 59%, but no bother, because there is so much graft that no one pays them, anyway.....or closer to home: Detroit...ah, the days when street lights used to work)

Okay, going to bugger out, because in all honesty, I am not informed enough to partake in the conversation as it stands.

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.