Forums in generally are not well suited to political discourse because people view the world through their own prism and everything tends to reinforce what they already think.

I could have sworn that this was one of my original points. I only entered the fray after one of the mods for the site said she lobbied heavily to keep the topic open.

This thread has degenerated down to quoting joke articles as if they were fact, and summarizing entire economic theory based on an opinion piece.

Interestingly, I did quote the joke article, but the one part that I quoted was the part that was an accurate description of one of Keynes concepts. I had no reason to think that a Krugman fan would post a satire piece on Krugman. I find Krugman's views to be irresponsible and delivered in a pompous manner. It's safe to say, I hadn't ready any Krugman crap in a few years until the NYT piece was posted on this thread.

Personally, i thought the degeneration of the thread happened much earlier when there were words like "hypocritical" thrown around.

My opinion, again, is that I tried to bring the conversation to an open debate instead of snide comments and insults. And that's when we started hearing nothing but crickets.

But you are right, my mind hasn't changed one bit from the conversations on this thread.