everybody loves Clinton. Everybody remembers the boom of the 90s and give him credit for it. Everybody forgets what happened 13 years ago today...and that is that the equities market topped out. They forget that six weeks later, the equities market crashed and crashed hard. This was all under Clinton's watch.

Now, I'm not a big Bush fan as he was a big government guy too, but when you look at all of the slack cut for our current president based on "we inherited a mess", you have to say the same thing for Bush. Clinton left Bush a mess that makes the mess that Obama inherited look like a simple bounced check.

Government interventionalist policies have unintended consequences. They cause the normal economic cycles to become exaggerated. They increase the amplitude of the cycles and decrease the period.

And just to be clear, there hasn't been a free market in this country in many years. Both sides are guilty of putting us in the economic situation we are currently in. And it isn't good, no matter how hard the starry eyed believers want it to be so.

If presidents get credit for economic conditions, then Clinton deserves the greatest amount of blame for our current situation.

Last edited by tdtz; 03/07/13 12:57 AM.