My 15 year old daughter and I went up on Friday (10/16). We left the parking lot at about 4:30 am in the rain; rain cleared at around Lone Pine Lake, but fog persisted through Trail Camp. New and existing snow on the ground starting past Trail Camp with flurries to almost whiteout all the way to Trail Crest. Hiking conditions were fantastic as the new snow was very sticky for footing, and old snow was frozen to avoid potholing. I would not, however, have continued without MICROspikes. Cables were a little dicey, but not impassable. Sun came out briefly at Trail Crest and provided awesome views of snow covered Sequoia. Trail to the summit was less than ideal as only a few tracks to follow. This was probably the most dangerous area with the loose footing and the side slope, but still in the sane range. We summited at around 2:00 in heavy snow and clouds. Couldn't see much, but met some nice people at the Hut. Snow continued most of the way down to Trail Camp, but fair trail conditions down the switchbacks. Got back to the Portal at around 9:00 pm; snow definitely slows things down.

An awesome hike, but give yourself a few extra hours due to the snow.