Someone just sent me an update on conditions, passing on the relevant info:
We just summited on Saturday, June 6... as a group of 3. Two sure footed, one with bare running shoes and myself with bare mountaineering shoes, the third person not used to snow travel with hiking boots and microspikes, everyone with poles. The picture of the cable section (posted above) is the worst spot on the ascent, along with the last traverse above the chute (topmost switchback) which is snow with big foot holes.
Backside trail is packed snow, easy to walk with microspikes.
I would recommend poles and microspikes as a matter of gear. The chute should be OK still to go down around noon but not worth it to climb up.
Saturday snowfall was melted around noon already.
Edit for Ratz: In a few weeks, most of the snow on the trail will be gone.