Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
But it's not easy to get past all that when there's so much money to be made by getting people all stirred up.

Over the years, I've had a hard time even listening to the hard-line commentary of so many radio hosts. I really found their abrasiveness irritating. I couldn't understand why there were so many of them.

But now I realize, just as SN's words point out: They're making lots of money stirring people up. It is not in their best interest to find anything resembling a consensus or compromise, because the people that listen to them would no longer listen. And without listeners, they wouldn't have sponsors, and without sponsors....

Politics is completely corrupted by money: from politicians needing all that money to advertise to the masses in those 30-second sound bites, to Limbaugh and so many other extremists pandering to the wingnuts.