It certainly does. He didn't win the Nobel prize because he posted economic gibberish under a pseudonym on an internet BB.

Yup, he posted his economic gibberish in the New York Times.

didn't the nobel committee award a peace price to Yassir Arafat?

Now THERE is a credible organization....LOL

I'm sorry that you consider what I wrote to be gibberish. I am more than happy to expound on what you feel that I failed to properly communicate in my post. I did notice one grammatical error, I do apologize for that. My name is Tom Dietz. I use my full name on the WPS site, but took out a few vowels and a consonant on this site. When you do the search on my name, I'm not the juggler.

But let's try to clear this up, do you consider what I wrote to be gibberish or do you just disagree from where I am coming. Except for the part where I state that he made amateurish mistakes, I don't really see where you can disagree with what I posted. If you do, let's hash it out in a nice healthy debate.

I stated that Krugman made amateurish mistakes and then I backed it up with my case for the assertion. Which part of what I wrote do you disagree with? If you can show where my statements are incorrect, then you will discredit me and it will be clear that my assertion that Krugman made amateurish mistakes is incorrect. Don't go for the ad hominem or appeal to authority approach, attack the words and ideas that I put out.