We can quote all sorts of statistics forever, and posts links to whatever supports our viewpoint. Some are helpful, some are spoonfeed to us by either side, us sitting biased-to-one-side-or-the-other at our computers. None of these facts (real or made-up) are going to change too many minds.

At some point, one's decision-making is more of a gut feeling, having separated some of the wheat from the chaff. Some of the greatest decisions we ever make in our lives are not based on fact alone, but experience and intuition. Some of us here have real world business experience. Some are likely Ivory Tower. Some just like to argue. I would like to invite everyone here to think about the topic in these terms: does "it" (several "its") pass the smell test? Is "it" the right way to take and redistribute other people's money and when we do, what do we do with it?

I'm not sure the "gut-feeling method" will be more successful than the "fact and pseudo facts" method, but it may help.