Hey guys I went up on Tuesday 7/12 on a day permit and I found this helpful. I just want to say it was perfect weather when I was there. There are just 2 snow patches near the summit. One patch of melting dirty snow is sketchy, but the other patch of clean snow is fine. Just stick your climbing pole in the snow on your right to anchor yourself somewhat.
You must fill up at trail camp lake as there's no other source of water except snow near the top and some dinky little trickles of water here and there. But there's always a chance of bacteria in the snow so I wouldn't go for it unless you're desperate, especially if the snow is reddish. I had water issues myself (among many other issues that day). We had a lagging team member we had to wait for and that made us use up too much of our supply. Just make sure you ration. I brought 5L from trail camp and it wasn't enough. I should have rationed better or maybe tried bringing 6L, but that's heavy. My body is not very efficient with water however, and some of you might actually be so it depends.