Posted on Instagram by _mark_davis_

Long story short, we didn't summit. Lost the two strangers that had wanted to tag along pretty quickly since they weren't comfortable with the terrain, then the person I was guiding decided she had reached her comfort level as well and turned back. Just me and the wilderness, like old times.

We had decided to tackle the switchbacks due to them not being comfortable with the chute, but then quickly realized that trail was completely snowed over, causing everyone else to call it a day. I ended up jumping on the outside of the railings and just edging across the ledge. Took a break at the above photographed location while it was still relatively safe (you can see the area where I was shuffling along the outside of the rails), shortly after which it became considerably less friendly.

I ended up turning around at an icy pass with unstable terrain. I could have kept going, but for the first time in my life I didn't have the usual crazy urge inside of me to push my limits. Half crouched with one hand on the rail and the other holding my axe as certain thoughts raced through my mind, I made the call and put my ice axe back on my pack and headed down. Some things aren't worth risking.

I did end up falling off the cliffside later on though and consequently got lost, but I'll write about that later. Told my mother I'd make it back alive and well for church today, and it's time for me to fulfill that promise 😉.

Also posted:
nawhitakerDid you hear about or see the accident on the Chute Saturday? I climbed up to Trail Camp on Saturday morning and spoke with a guy who was coming down who said he watched a climber do bouncing cartwheels down the entire Chute for 45 seconds, and was really banged up but survived. Broken bones and large gash on leg.
_mark_davis_Negative. Was there all morning in the Chute area but saw no injured hikers. @nawhitaker

Sat, June 11: