Hey everybody, first time poster. I recently found this board and I just wanna thank everyone for being so helpful in their information about the trail, I definitely would have gone in unprepared if I didn't do a little research.
I'm writing this post because I'm doing a single day Whitney trip on June 6th starting at 2am, and I was wondering if anyone had some insight on what the trail conditions might be like by then.
From what I've gathered, there will obviously be snow after trail camp, but are the switchbacks completely out of the question? The other members in my group have never glissaded (?) before and I wouldn't want them to go in inexperienced.
Also, it seems like most hikers are using ice axes, my group will have hiking poles, but do you think we should rent some axes? This will be our 4th time doing Whitney, but the first time with substantial snow. Thanks!