Thanks to all the knowledge on this site...

Summited this past Tuesday, 5.10.16 First time on Whitney, and it was amazing! What a mountain. Hiked via main trail, starting from Whitney portal on 5/9 and camping that night at Trail Camp. Thanks to those who laid the trail before us on the Westside.

***All notes relevant to 5.9-5.10

***Notes with regards to the trail before Trail Camp are based on progressing up the switchbacks to the North of Outpost Camp. A lot of people have been following the snow to the south (left) of Outpost. This route (while I did not hike it) appears to put you in steep snow for a lot longer than following the main trail to the right (past mirror lake). I can't vouch for what is encountered by going that alternate route.

To answer some questions:

---Water at trail camp is what you make it. We filled up 3-4L apiece about a mile below Trail Camp. There is a rock face to your right (north) as you progress up the snow after Mirror Lake, per GPS @ UTM 11S 386746E 4047547N. It was just after you cross all the rocks after the switchbacks out of Mirror Lake.

---Once at Trail Camp there are some pools of still water next to rocks. We avoided these, even with filter, just because it was not moving water and in an area prone to human waste. We did however find water trickling off the rocks at the base of Woton's throne, and with rocks and snow managed to form a small pool that would collect that we could filter. (A two person job).

---Switchbacks still snow-covered, seems everyone is going up the 'chute'. People have worked switchbacks into the snow which is great.

---Leave early. We left @5:30 am, hit trail crest @ 8am, summit @ 11:27. Even with this early start we started postholing on our way back as the sun hit the western slope. Glissading from Trail Crest down @ 1:55pm was fantastic.

---We did not use snowshoes. Crampons and Axe are a must. We did not use our poles on the West face, just an axe in our uphill hand.

Lastly, please carry out waste and trash. In addition to the many wrappers, foil, ziplocks we picked up, we counted 6 WAG bags at Lone Pine Lake, an abandoned tent fly, a Coleman propane canister, and what appeared to be tennis rackets fashioned into show-shoes at Trail Camp. Please show respect to a beautiful trail, those who maintain it, and the people hiking it after you are gone.

Hope this helps!