My husband and I reached the summit at 8:30am on Saturday July 14th. We left Whitney portal on Thursday at 6:00am and hiked to Trail camp arriving at 11am. It didn't rain on us at all until later that afternoon but by that time we'd already set up camp and finished all our camp chores. The temperature was very mild around 56 degrees. Along the trail on our way to trail camp the creek crossing were all very easy. There is one spot right before Outpost where people were bottle necked all trying to figure out how to cross because the rocks were submerged about 2" under water. We just walked right though it and it was fine. If you have water proof boots it's not an issue. On Friday (summit day) we departed from camp at 4:30 am. By the time we reached the summit at 8:30am clouds were already starting to form and quickly rolling in. Within 30 minutes the summit view was completely obscured looking East. We're glad we got there before it was completely covered in clouds. In hind sight I would have started around 3:30 rather than 4:30. I would say if weather is a concern get up there as early as possible. It was crystal clear when we began and beginning to drizzle on our way down from the 99 switchbacks back into trail camp. One other 'trail condition' that I did notice, not weather related however was the amount of trash in trail camp. It was really shocking to me to see how many items were just strewn about and discarded. From old tent stakes, to plastic eating utensils, to food packaging and many, many, many, wag bags (several near the water). I couldn't believe people could be so careless about such a beautiful place. After we summited I used an empty grocery bag to gather up as much as I could minus the wag bags and carried it down. I'd hope others who see trash would try to do the same. Enjoy the hike and LNT.