If for some reason you don't get a permit, you can always do a walk in.
When the permit processed changed in, 2000?, and everyone had to get their permit info in by Feb. 1st for the year, I was almost never granted a permit, so I no longer try. I've always, 100% of the time, walked into the visitor center and asked if they had permits available, and was issued one for either that day or the next.
Worst case scenario, just have a back up plan and hike Kearsarge pass, Big Pine Basin, or wherever, you're in the Sierras. Either way, you'll have a blast.
This may be easier said than done coming from Alabama.
Originally Posted By: al_novice
Awesome! Thanks, fingers crossed. BTW, this board is an amazing tool. I know there is nothing to replace specific trail experience, but I feel like I'll be as prepared as I can be in June. (If I'm lucky enough to get a permit)
Thanks again!
How'd you know I was looking at you if you weren't looking at me?