Outpost camp (went up the summer trail, no winter shortcut through the front of the meadow)
Mirror lake (went up the summer trail, chute access was melted)
Trail camp (the main pound is frozen but liquid water can easily be found in small streams and puddles, even at 6AM)
chute from trail camp (cable section was visible, but no tracks along the cables)
bottom of the chute (safe switchbacks on the chute starting from mid-height. Snow was still icy at 10am when we reached the bottom)
trail crest connection with the switchbacks on the summer trail
sketchy section on trail crest
@Nick: "log bridges" is completely clear of snow - we only put on our crampons past Mirror lake. Snowshoes were not needed when we went. Bring crampons and ice axes.
@All: thanks for posting and keeping us up to date with the current conditions : )