Trip report ... summitted July 26.. we are first timers on whitney
My wife and I are from wiconsin so we attempted to get acclimatized by doing a hikes to kearsage pass out of onion valley and did cotton wood lakes (each separate day hikes).. since we do not live any where near altitude we took diamox 125 mg bid.
- We left at 2 am from the portal - Take the old trail in the beginning, it cuts off .25 miles and you avoid a major water crossing, the old trail is right at the portal - bring crocs or sandals - I only changed on way up. On the way down I said screw it and walked right through. These are ankle deep when we went - snow crossings - if you are leaving very early like we did, the first snow crossing was icy, so we used our yaktrax. Then it was easy to get a good grip. We had poles too. On the return we used no yak trax, snow was slushy, use your polls and kick in a spot in the snow to get a good grip - watch your water... I wish I refilled at the switchbacks going up. This is the last spot for water on the trail. My wife and I ran out right before trailcresrt on the way back - great trip for sure, conditions are changing so fast , I have followed these forums but best to go portal store day before hike and chat with return hikers about the snow crossings and what condition they are in so u have a good idea